這位擅長將太陽能跟建築整合的建築師 Sheila Kennedy 跟他的團隊,最近丟出一套全新的太陽能屋設計,不僅能夠有不錯的電力供應,也讓狗仔隊不怕沒有新聞挖。

這個叫做 Soft House 的設計,主要是將屋內屋外的窗簾通通做成半透明,然後在內部織上薄膜太陽能電池,整體的發電能量可達 16,000 瓦-小時 ( 也就是 16 千瓦-小時啦!這樣寫比較沒有那麼夢幻 ),大約就是 16 度的電;可惜目前整組安裝的費用,大概只有每秒鐘幾百萬上下的人才能負擔的起吧!


Bravo Sheila Kennedy, bravo. You might just save us from our gadget-obsessed selves if the Soft House you've designed can pump the 16,000 watt-hours you predict. The design features thin photovoltaic films woven into semi-transparent curtains. The idea is similar to the solar power ski-suits (seriously) we've seen. Unfortunately, a home fitted entirely in solar textiles is still too costly at the moment. Cost measured in cash, apparently.



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